DeNatura® Wellness Celebrates Womanhood
March 8 is reserved for the recurring International Women’s Day. Honoring their achievements, this special day celebrates womanhood all across the globe.
Women’s political and social personas gathered momentum during the mid-19th C. and took off at the turn of the 20th C. Reaping their first public arena victories granted them a voice, followed by suffrage, representation, and a small modicum of power. Ever since then, it has been an uphill battle —often against mighty forces, like God and Country— until our days, with working women facing the quandaries of professionalism and “struggling to successfully juggle career, motherhood, partnership, and caregiving… a load at an all-time high,” in the words of Teba Orueta, founder of DeNatura® Wellness.
It is, however, also a cheerful day when we recognize the many achievements and successful fights, truly the advancement in all fields, especially in America and the Western world. If and when we take some time to spectate at how things are for women elsewhere in the world, the ‘grass-is-always-greener’ mantra becomes a sour mirage.
De Natura Wellness is a female-owned entrepreneurial business with a large percentage of women professionals on its team. We will be actively highlighting the importance of the exceptional women on our team and featuring them on our Instagram feed.
Precisely, we thought we’d have a chill yet revealing chat with Teba Orueta, the woman behind the woman behind the women in this operation, aka, DeNatura® Wellness’ Owner & CEO. “I celebrate my womanhood every day, but this day is an opportunity to pause, look around, and recognize our ‘fairer sex’ for what it truly is: a complex yet delicious blend of strength and humility, poise and assertiveness, beauty and rawness, and our innate ability to not just fight, or flee, but to also help those in as much need as ourselves, so we too can rise and thrive.” Word!
In the world of wellness, the impact of womanhood gravitates around the mighty duality of scientific research and common sense. “In our field of wellness, where we lend a hand, give space to communicate, and provide comfort, being a woman is an asset. Modern research has shown that women are more predisposed to ‘tend-and-befriend’ as a coping mechanism to threatening and stressful situations. Strategically, it’s a successful thriving behavior. Also, women’s ability to release the feelgood hormone oxytocin when displaying this behavior gives them calm and composure, which helps those around them feel more at ease. Oftentimes, clients feel less threatened and more nurtured when they visit a female professional to get bodywork, acupuncture, review their nutrition, or seek behavioral support.”
However, this double-edged gift has entailed a certain degree of frustration for Teba, as she explains that, “time and again, we receive requests for female-only practitioners. I understand why some people may feel safer or more comfortable with a female. Still, it breaks my heart when my highly skilled, empathetic, and truly gifted male practitioners are excluded because of their sex. We have a long way to go to integrate men into healthcare and caregiving, and educate the public that they are as qualified as women.”
Given the rising challenges that modern professional careers pose for our physical, emotional, and mental health, Teba points out that “It is no wonder self-care has taken us by storm in the 21st Century. Wellness, while this last few year’s buzzword, is still perceived by many as a luxury, a ‘once-a-year, for-my-birthday indulgence’, a nice but dispensable commodity. Self-care is still associated with being indulgent or weak… Ring a bell? The fairer or weaker sex?”
“We are constantly providing hard data to back personal experience in our wellness programs. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that we all feel more relaxed, focused, calm, and resilient when we perform these activities. But bottom-liners don’t see the mid-to-long term benefits,” asserts Teba poignantly, rebutting with, “The abundant research ascertains that wellness effectively reduces the incidence of disease (insurance costs) and improves collaboration (productivity) and engagement (corporate culture). Ultimately, it saves precious dollars that would be otherwise spent on re-hiring and re-training replacements, redistributing work when team-members are sick, and delaying deadlines due to presenteeism or absenteeism. Wellness may be non-traditional, but it’s a pretty linear solution.”
To celebrate all things female or ‘yin’, DeNatura® Wellness is offering a 15% discount on its 4-week Boardroom Acupuncture Series for stress management: our innovative and exciting new take on a program that has been used in hospitals and clinics since the 1970’s. Inquire with us today by emailing info@denaturawellness.com or calling us +1 305 814 9818
Written by: TheEyeWink.com